Three Reasons Why Test Projects are Useful

Janjira Sun

August 3, 2022

· 3 min read

Traditionally seen during the interviewing process, test projects are short-term projects that help determine whether or not you would want to proceed to work with a certain Independent. Test projects can be applied to freelancing opportunities as well — they can help gauge an Independent’s workflow and experience!

In this article, we’ll go over three reasons why you’d want to initiate a test project before onboarding an Independent for a longer-term opportunity and how to start up a test project on Contra.

1. You’re unsure of what you’re looking for

If you know you’re in need of a particular skill, but don’t know what kind of work it entails or how it can be applied to your brand or product, a test project could be the perfect way for an Independent to gauge what you need, and how they can help you get there.

2. Align your working styles

With the age of remote work coming in full force, it’s hard to gauge what it would be like to work with an Independent that you’ve only talked with two or three times. With a test project, you’ll get a better understanding of how an Independent works, how they communicate, and what makes their brain tick.

3. Assess their skills

An Independent’s projects are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what they’re capable of! When initiating a test project, ensure that you’re providing the necessary tasks for skills that you’re looking for from an Independent.

Should a test project be paid?

Absolutely— the Independent deserves to get paid for the work they’ve created. Although test projects are used to assess someone’s skills and working style, it’s important to recognize that they’re taking time out of their day to create. Paying an Independent for a test project means you’re contributing to the new way to work, and leads to better relationships down the line. 💗

How should I initiate a test project on Contra?

Test projects are not too different from standard projects! Here are a few ways you can initiate test projects on Contra ⤵️

Send an inquiry

If you come across an Independent’s profile and want a chance to work with them, click the “Get In Touch” button and send them an inquiry! Make sure to include reasons why you’d want to conduct a test project with them, and give them as many details as you can when reaching out.

Check out our guide to learn how to write the perfect inquiry!

Post an opportunity

Head over to and add important details about your opportunity. Tell us what role it’s for, what skills you need, what the timeline and budget look like, and more! After your opportunity has been reviewed and posted by our team, we’ll work to match you with top Independents in our community based on your needs and their skills.

Check out our guide to learn more about how to post a top-tier opportunity on Contra.


Contra is the Independent-first community and commission-free hiring platform empowering the future of work. We match Independents with flexible opportunities, and Clients with the perfect Independent for any project — from content creation to coding and more.

Janjira Sun

Copywriter focused on changing the future of work

journalist turned independent turned contrarian. currently working with contra to build the future of work 💗

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