Samantha Taylor

September 9, 2022

· 3 min read

Buckle in — we’re about to teach you important terminology used throughout Contra and our blog! You’ll being seeing these words and phrases frequently, so make sure read the list below 👇

Terms to Know 🧠

Independents These are the people looking for work on Contra. An Independent can be a freelancer, contract worker, individual contributor, or anyone else who does flexible work. You can learn more about how Contra works for Independents here.

Clients These are the people hiring Independents on Contra. You can learn more about working as a Client here, and hiring here.

Profile This is how Independents showcase their projects, services, and skills in one place. This can replace a resume or CV. Your profile builds your credibility and trust for potential Clients on Contra. Learn how to improve your profile here!

Deliverables Work that will be delivered at the end of a Paid Project on Contra (ie: a logo). You will see your Deliverables listed in your Paid Project Proposal.

Proposal A proposal, or contract, lists the deliverables, timelines, and payment for Paid Projects. Both parties must agree to the proposal before the Paid Project is initiated.

Inquiries Accessible through the “Get in Touch” button on an Independents Profile, Clients can start the conversation to work together!

Opportunities Opportunities include remote job postings, Inquiries and being invited to Paid Projects. These are all the ways Independents can earn on Contra!

Wallet This is where you will send and receive payment on Contra. Your wallet hosts your payment information, and shows past transactions along with your account balance.

Chat The place Independents and Clients communicate on Contra.

Paid Projects The paid work you complete with a Client/Independent on Contra. Navigate to the Projects tab to see your active and completed Paid Projects, or create a Proposal to get started.

Commission-Free Contra is 100% commission-free however, clients will be charged a Stripe processing fee for each payment.

Discover Discover is our version of search! You can use Discover to browse through all of the Independents on Contra.

Work Preferences Work Preferences allow you to get discovered 🔎 when Clients are looking for Independents with your skillset! This is a great way to show off your expertise in a specific area. 🚀

Accepting New Clients Tell us when you’re ready for work! Let Clients know if you are open to work by updating your availability on Contra every month in your account settings!


Bonuses allow Clients to highlight/reward exceptional work done by Independents on Contra.

Have questions? 👀

Bookmark this blog to reference in the future! If you have any questions, our team is here to help. Make sure to use the pop-up on the bottom of the page or reach out to 💌

Samantha Taylor

Social Strategist

Hi, I'm Sam -- community builder 👋 My skills in community management, social media marketing, copywriting and influencer management can be the game-changer for your brand. Let's connect!

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