Asheville, USA
Home | RWF Home Improvement - Fence Installers
BrannForge T-shirt Illustration design
Design by Michelle - Bubble Yum Brand design
Design by Michelle - Taste Restaurant branding
Carolina Cactus
Logo/branding kit design for Co-working hub
Design by Michelle - Dispatch Works Rebranding Logo and UX APP
UI Visual design for bank app application
Daily Grind Coffee shop
UI visual design pitch for movie app
RWF Brand design/Web site
Darma Capital Marketing UI redesign
Slowshuttercam App redesign logo
Healthcare Web site
Branding design BOLD Jean
Album cover design
Smart home monitor UI design
Brochure/publication design
T-shirt design, Social Media Ads
Design by Michelle - Two of hearts app
Design by Michelle - Sagitto logo
Hair Stylist Business card design
Social media ads
Candl Branding
Packaging/branding design
Branding design-Stationery design
Branding design-Puparazzi, pet photography
Food delivery App
Flo Water Branding
Design by Michelle - E-mail marketing