Web Designer & Webflow Developer

Manaweb - Website Redesign
Manaweb - Website Redesign

Website redesign for Manaweb, an E-commerce and corporate web solutions agency.

Web Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Photoshop

Brand Refresh for Zembra
Brand Refresh for Zembra

Developed a brand refresh for a Review API Provider, including logo design, typography selection, and color palette creation.

Brand Designer
Logo Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Brand Identity for SUKLA Project
Brand Identity for SUKLA Project

Create a new brand identity for SUKLA Project.

Brand Designer
Logo Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator

Webflow Development - BOHM
Webflow Development - BOHM

Webflow website development for BOHM, a design and architecture company.

Web Designer
Webflow Developer

Webflow Development - WORK
Webflow Development - WORK

Webflow website development for WORK, a construction and architecture company.

Web Designer
Webflow Developer

Brand Refresh for SILAQ
Brand Refresh for SILAQ

Developed a brand refresh for a fish floss company, including logo design, typography selection, and color palette creation.

Brand Designer
Logo Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator