Expert Mental Health & Wellness Copywriter

Why Eating Disorders Are so Difficult to Treat
Why Eating Disorders Are so Difficult to Treat

Article for Discover Magazine about the complexities of treating eating disorders. I did heavy research to back up claims, keyword research, and SEO practices.

Content Writer
Blog Writer

10 Movies That Accurately Portray Mental Health Issues
10 Movies That Accurately Portray Mental Health Issues

Article for Listverse about movies that portray mental illness accurately. Researched & watched the films listed, did keyword research, and linked out sources.

Content Writer
Blog Writer

How Lack of Sleep Is Damaging Your Skin
How Lack of Sleep Is Damaging Your Skin

Wrote about how sleep deprivation can damage your skin. Researched heavily & linked out to academic sources, formatted for SEO, and optimized headlines.

Content Writer
Blog Writer