Product, UX, UI Designer

How we redesigned MoEngage IA
How we redesigned MoEngage IA

MoEngage is a Mar Tech SaaS platform that let’s marketers engage users with their product by sending Push, Email, WhatsApp, and SMS notifications. Role: I am t…

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer

How we used psychology in MPL Rummy 7-Day Journey and improved …
How we used psychology in MPL Rummy 7-Day Journey and improved …

Problem: MPL Rummy's was stagnant with 25% D7 new user retention which was generating 75L (avg CM1) across all formats. Timeline: We had a very short amount of…

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer

How we used psychology in MPL Rummy 7-Day Journey and improved …
How we used psychology in MPL Rummy 7-Day Journey and improved …

Problem: MPL Rummy's was stagnant with 25% D7 new user retention which was generating 75L (avg CM1) across all formats. Timeline: We had a very short amount of…

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer