Engaging Web Design & Animation Expert 🚀
Zoom in/ Zoom out animation chart in Rive
Zoom in/ Zoom out animation chart in Rive

I created this data visualization animation chart with Rive

Data Visualizer
Rive Animations

Rolling Counter Animation in Rive
Rolling Counter Animation in Rive

I built an animated counter in Rive

Motion Designer
Rive Animations

Interactive Hero animation in Rive
Interactive Hero animation in Rive

I built interactive light control animation in Rive

Motion Designer
Rive Animations

Shopify and Framer Integration
Shopify and Framer Integration

The task of integrating Shopify with Bamboologic's new platform for carbon removal certificates, created using Framer

Framer Developer
Framer Designer

A Fintech App Landing Page in Framer
A Fintech App Landing Page in Framer

Recently, I designed and developed a Fintech App Landing Page using Framer.

UX Designer
Product Designer
Framer Designer

Custom code component in Framer
Custom code component in Framer

Simple Loan & Mortgage Calculator made with Framer

Frontend Engineer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

E-commerce Website Development  in Framer
E-commerce Website Development in Framer

By leveraging Framer's capabilities, custom code components, and responsive design techniques, the website offers a customized eCommerce experience.

Web Developer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Framer Website Design for home and kitchen company
Framer Website Design for home and kitchen company

The completed web design project, developed using Framer, resulted in a visually appealing website.

Product Designer
Framer Designer

Landing page for a personal development course
Landing page for a personal development course

Redesigned a mobile app to improve user experience, resulting in increased user engagement and retention.

UX Designer
Product Designer