Captivating Copywriter, SEO Wizard

Architecture Firm Marketing Campaign
Architecture Firm Marketing Campaign

A campaign for an architecture firm focused on custom designs for luxury homes and buildings.

Content Writer
Social Media Strategist

Davidson Landscaping Web Copy
Davidson Landscaping Web Copy

Web copy to make it clear that this Central Florida Landscaper can be trusted to craft a luxury experience for clients using creative copy and SEO strategies.

Creative Writer
SEO Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive Article Writing Samples Article Writing Samples

I was a staff writer at, a platform where we wrote about the latest in streaming news. To see more article samples, ask!

Content Writer
Article Writer
SEO Writer

Email Sequence, Couples Immigration Firm
Email Sequence, Couples Immigration Firm

An engaging and personal feeling email sequence that would go to clients who qualified for a consult but have not scheduled one yet.

Email Marketer
Content Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive

Family Law Web Copy Sample Pages
Family Law Web Copy Sample Pages

Web Copy for a Family Law Firm looking to stand out in a saturated market. Creative copy with organic SEO integration to drive traffic and convert clients.

UX Copywriter
SEO Writer
Google Docs

Futuristic Impact Museum Social Campaign
Futuristic Impact Museum Social Campaign

A social media campaign mockup for a museum focusing on social change using futuristic concepts.

Content Writer
Social Media Strategist
Google Docs

Divorce Firm Lead Magnet Sample Pages
Divorce Firm Lead Magnet Sample Pages

A lead magnet created for a Family Law Firm and designed to capture the attention of men who are going through a divorce, motivating them to consult a lawyer.

Content Writer
Content Research
Google Docs
Google Drive

CRM Lead Magnet
CRM Lead Magnet

Created a lead magnet to attract lawyers who either have a CRM that isn't effective, or don't have one yet but have been considering it.

SEO Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive

Nonprofit Flyer For NOSIS
Nonprofit Flyer For NOSIS

How do I condense important information for potential donors to a DEI-based nonprofit appealingly without losing value? A captivating flyer + QR link.

UX Copywriter
Content Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive

Defense Attorney Brand Guide Sample
Defense Attorney Brand Guide Sample

A sample of creative brand guidelines outlining the usage of assets and the tone and voice to use with clients and in messaging.

Content Writer
Creative Writer
Adobe Suite
Google Docs

Couples Immigration Onboarding Guide
Couples Immigration Onboarding Guide

Created an onboarding guide for new clients to feel at ease with the couple's immigration process and get to know the people they'll be working with.

Content Writer
Creative Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive