Project involved building a Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI-powered model by using deep neural network architecture called Transformers to train the model.
The objective of this project is to build a machine learning predictive model that will forecast housing rental prices based on specific influential factors.
The project completion involved building a machine learning model with statistical analysis that accurately predicts customers purchasing behavior.
Solved logistics problems on Supply Chain Operations by applying the TSP Traveling Salesman Problem approach to identify the shortest route to a destination.
A GNN model that identifies sensor values on heterogeneous graph data and makes a link prediction to detect anomaly patterns over Graph Convolutional Network.
The project completion involved analyzing the entire S&P 500 and Don Jones Dataset using applied statistics and machine learning.
Involved analyzing human reactions by applying a mathematical model to study and understand human behavioral changes and interactions in response to influence.
The completed project involved building a time series machine learning model Using AI and Machine learning to forecast the financial market.
A predictive model on Multi-Objective Decision Analysis that involves decision making based on multiple criteria and influential factors involved.
The project involved building a simulation prediction model using a deep neural network that mimics and learns the locomotive walking pattern of Ants.
I was awarded a project contract to build a crypto trading bot that has the functionality of copying trading and executing real-time buy and sell orders.
Achieved a secure web-based encryption registration user interface with OTP and 2-factor authentication integration, linked to MySQL database.
The practical demo for this project involved interfacing the AT89C51 microcontroller 16-bit counter with a keypad to display and output the exact key pressed.