High-quality content writer, data entry specialist

Can you substitute heavy whipping cream for milk?
Can you substitute heavy whipping cream for milk?

In this blog, i described the milk substitutes and other non dairy milk substitutes for baking.

Data Entry Specialist
Content Writer
Blog Writer
Google Docs
Microsoft Excel

How much does 5 gallons of water weigh?
(Food Blog)
How much does 5 gallons of water weigh? (Food Blog)

In this blog, i mentioned the water weight in ounces,litres,pounds,and standard weight of water. I also highlighted the temperature effects on weight of water.

Data Entry Specialist
Content Writer
Blog Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive
Microsoft Excel

Does acid go bad(Blog)
Does acid go bad(Blog)

This food blog contains 800 words. In this blog, I described the shelf life of acid,different methods of storing acid and effects of acid drip on the body.

Content Writer
Blog Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive
Microsoft Excel