Creative Video Marketer & Editor

Refreshingly Cosy - AI Concept Architecture
Refreshingly Cosy - AI Concept Architecture

Futuristic winter retreat concept brought to life through AI visualization, generative video tech, and expert post-production. Next-gen co-working.

AI Artist
AI Content Creator
AI Video Producer
Runway AI

Educational YouTube Video for Microsoft
Educational YouTube Video for Microsoft

Microsoft hired me to produce an educational video for their Microsoft Helps YouTube channel which included different motion graphics elements and editing work.

2D Animator
Motion Designer
Video Editor
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
OBS Studio

80th Year Anniversary Video for Heifer International
80th Year Anniversary Video for Heifer International

Created Heifer International's 80th anniversary video. 8 decades of global footage into a compelling 4-min brand video through expert editing and storytelling.

Video Editor
Video Producer
Adobe Premiere Pro
Google Drive

AI Video Production for E-Learning and Marketing
AI Video Production for E-Learning and Marketing

I lead the AI and video production with an enterprise HeyGen account, creating 300+ AI videos for a sports startup, revolutionizing global football education.

AI Video Producer
Creative Director
Video Producer

AI Video Generation & Automation
AI Video Generation & Automation

Revolutionizing AI storytelling with Riddler Rhys. Unique, AI-driven videos brought to life with advanced tech and immersive, scalable production.

AI Content Creator
AI Video Producer
Video Producer
Adobe Premiere Pro

Crypto Patform Promotional Video
Crypto Patform Promotional Video

Video commercials for a leading crypto platform played at live sports venues, TV and online ads.

Visual Designer
Creative Director
Video Editor
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Brand video for Atmos
Brand video for Atmos

Custom brand motion graphics storytelling driven video for the @atmos brand in collaboration with Colorway agency, USA.

Creative Director
Motion Designer
Video Editor
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Startup SaaS Website Promo Video - House of Companies - YouTube
Startup SaaS Website Promo Video - House of Companies - YouTube

Produced a 90s SaaS promo video for House of Companies, blending custom animations, motion graphics, scripting, editing and sound for powerful end video.

Creative Director
Video Editor
Video Producer
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Multi-City Social Media Ad Campaign | Videos & Graphics
Multi-City Social Media Ad Campaign | Videos & Graphics

Directed Smykker's ad campaign, producing 153 videos and 288 graphics for 9 cities. Led the creative direction and production for the entire campaign.

Advertisement Designer
Graphic Designer
Video Editor
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Commercial for a SaaS product
Commercial for a SaaS product

I was tasked to create a visual flow experience for a YouTube commercial with combination of 2D animation, creative video editing, sourced footage.

Graphic Designer
Creative Director
Video Editor
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro

Video Advertisment For Recruitment
Video Advertisment For Recruitment

My work for Skyline Security includeed the creation and direction of advertisement videos for their recruitment campaign.

Creative Director
Video Editor
Social Media Marketer