Innovator of .NET Backend Solutions ✨

Connex Admin Application
Connex Admin Application

This was my first real longtime project as a .NET developer. I was full stack developer creating features at every layer: DB design, business layer, front-end.

Web Developer
Dot Net Backend Developer
Visual Studio Code

Tacpac Online Shop & Mobile App
Tacpac Online Shop & Mobile App

I have been part of the back-end team and have written the ordering and subscription part of the API. Also I have written the mobile app with React Native

Web Developer
React Native Developer
Dot Net Backend Developer
Visual Studio Code

Enterprise Application Framework with .NET Core
Enterprise Application Framework with .NET Core

I have developed a new in-house back-end framework based on Clean architecture, .NET Core with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server.

Web Developer
React Native Developer
Dot Net Backend Developer
Visual Studio Code