Blockchain Developer | DeFi | NFT | Smart Contracts | Dapps

Fantasy Funduhmentals - NFL Fantasy League
Fantasy Funduhmentals - NFL Fantasy League

Fantasy league experience for NFL lovers. A platform to mint and trade NFTs connected to athletes' performance in the real world. Developed on Cardano chain.

Blockchain Developer
Smart Contract Engineer

Fundraiser - Create, Donate & Build a Strong Community
Fundraiser - Create, Donate & Build a Strong Community

This is a fundraising dapp built using Solidity, Ethers.js, React.js, and IPFS. Raise funds to open a school or to raise funds for flood victims, etc.

Blockchain Developer
Smart Contract Engineer
Frontend Engineer

Blob - A Defi ecosystem
Blob - A Defi ecosystem

The goal was to make a meme tokens-eating project called BLOB and a whole defi ecosystem. I built four contracts: Token, Feeding, Staking, and Bonding.

Blockchain Developer
Smart Contract Engineer