Design & Build Secure Backend Implementation for Rest API

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About this service


The backend is the heart of your service, if you don't have a reliable backend then you don't have a reliable service. This could mean many different things, such as inaccessible service, catastrophic bugs, and possibly the loss of users (and money) due to user frustration. Ensuring that your backend not only provides the necessary data for your front-end integrations ("Clients") so that they can maintain the highest level of performance and least amount of data-waste, but also is able to serve the requests for potentially millions of users should the need arise without increasing the cost associated exponentially is an often-overlooked issue when it comes to backend development. I focus on delivering a backend for whatever service you need, regardless if you need your data to be accessible real-time, hot-cached, cold-storage, and with or without session context. There's many complexities that are not often thought out when it comes to planning and executing a backend, I have experiencing not only building and designing backends that have supported hundreds of thousands of active users, but I also actively work with businesses that support millions of users. Almost anyone can throw together an API that will work, but how well will it work when you need it to the most? and if it does work... what will it cost?


First, we need to determine the requirements of the project. Is there authentication involved? How do we want authentication to be handled? Is there two-factor authentication? Do you want authentication to only happen during the login-phase, or do you have actions in your service that you want two-factor authentication to protect as well? Understanding the security concerns of your project holds the highest value, because a vulnerable user is a liability.

Next, we need to determine what features that you're expecting to have in your application and how they're expected to work together. Understanding how data correlates is important to building a system that can scale well. A simple example of this could be within the context of a dating application. Users are the main commodity here, traditionally a user would be mostly stand-alone, you would only mostly care about your own user, or loading other users by list, search by name, or direct-request. However, in an application such as this, there is a correlation of data, we need to create an algorithm that is more likely to create a match. The users preferences, previous matches, conversations, and resolutions to those conversations are all important factors on how we can present new users to the user. Properly structuring this data in a way that it can be appropriately queried is important. So in short, understanding your data allows us to structure things in a way that saves you money and saves users time.

Next, we will build out the "index" which will be a list of all endpoints and where they will be accessible, what data is needed to fulfill the request and what data we would be returning from that request, an example of this can be found below: Note: The example below assumes a REST API, but we will do the same for Socket-Services, GraphQL, etc. POST /api/authentication/refresh-token BODY { "refreshToken": "..." } RESPONSE { "accessToken": "...", "refreshToken": "..." }

Once the index is created and everyone agrees that we've covered all of our bases on how data is obtained, we will start to implement the API. I will provide updates on where we're at with the development of the API and once completed, I will provide a demonstration of the API, how it's used, and provide proof that everything is working as intended.

If agreed prior, documentation for the API will be provided at this time as well as the required source-code for deploying the API. If you'd like assistance deploying these APIs please let me know. I do not offer hosting services, but I can set you up with a popular cloud platform, such as Google Cloud.

What's included

  • Engineer Performance Oriented Scalable Backend APIs

    Based on requirements I will design and engineer a high performance backend implementation that will provide APIs and necessary business logic for your service, regardless of scale.

Skills and tools

Backend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
DevOps Engineer


Software Engineering
Web Development
Mobile Apps

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