Data Science and Analytics
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About this service
What is your pricing model?
Pricing is based on the project’s complexity, duration, and specific requirements. I offer a transparent quote after the initial discovery phase.
Do you provide post-launch support and maintenance?
Ongoing support and maintenance is discussed with customers on individual bases.
What's included
Value Proposition One-Pager
Living single-page document that provides an in-depth overview of the project and it's value proposition. It lists the larger goals of the project and orient's it's development.
Technical Design Document
Lists the functional and non-functional requirements of the project. Outlines the proposed high-level design and specifies it's cost estimate, while describing alternative considerations. Specifies the low-level design of each component along with it's delivery schedule.
Data ETL Pipeline
This stage delivers the pipeline for collecting, cleaning and processing the data.
Exploratory Data Analysis
This step involves visualization of the data, evaluation of possible patterns and communication of the extracted insights along with the visualizations used back to the customer. This stage informs the choice of predictive models.
Model Building and Evaluation
In this stage of the development, the predictive model is built and it's performance is evaluated. The model, the data used for it's training and testing, along with results of the model's performance evaluation will be delivered to the customer at the end of this stage.
Communicating Model Result
Model predictions are clearly communicated to the customer, emphasizing explainability through key insight extraction.
Model Deployment
In this, final phase of the development, the model is deployed to production where it can provide meaningful wins for your customers.
Skills and tools
Data Science Specialist
Data Scientist
Data Analyst
Jupyter Notebook