Web and Social Media Banners

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About this service


Bad design reflects poorly on your company. Hire me for well crafted banners that not only arrest attention but also communicate brand identity, message, and value proposition in a single glance. Approved designs can be adapted to multiple sizes while retaining their unique identity and purpose.


Projects begin with a kickoff meeting or email to go over messaging, strategy and deliverables. Clients will provide banner content along with brand guidelines and relevant size/file specifications. Braden will create one or more initial options to be reviewed. Selected options are refined with one or more rounds of feedback until the design is approved. Additional sizes are created if necessary and final banner files along with design files are delivered to client.

What's included

  • Web-ready png, jpg or mp3 files

    At the conclusion of the project, clients will receive approved banner art in all requested sizes along with native files.

Skills and tools

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Video Producer
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Work with me