Let me set up your HubSpot CRM from scratch

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About this service


Are you a new startup who just purchased HubSpot? It's vital that your CRM is customized to support your launch and allow for future scaling, or you will pay in lost revenue and misaligned processes down the line.

My role as your CRM architect is to prepare your startup for launch by constructing its GTM HubSpot instance and craft effective automation across segments.

Think of it like hiring a developer to build your website, but make it your GTM system ;)


I learn about your vision, brand, and product.

I discover your ICP's, target prospects, and pain points you solve for.

We break down what your buying journey looks like, how you'll score leads, where your leads will be coming from, and the existing data you have to work will.

We identify all necessary assets that need to be built to support your data in HubSpot.

Lastly, we flesh out all other HubSpot needs relevant to your startup and include them in the strategy plan.

I draw up the strategy plan and you review, requesting needed changes.

I get to work building out your HubSpot!

What's included

  • Data point identification

    A built outline of the necessary data points for contact, company, deal, and any custom objects relevant to your business model Customized object creation forms and object cards

  • Pipeline build-out

    Build all necessary pipelines according to audience segments and how they will need to be reported on. Create any initial automation to complement the pipeline process

  • Define & set up all lifecycle stages

    Set Lifecycle Stage automations in HubSpot to match business model & poise the customer journey for effective reporting in the future

  • Import any existing data to CRM

    Import any contact, company, and deal records into the CRM and connect the instance with existing lead gen channels wherever possible

  • Set up baseline reporting dashboards

    If data enables, collaborate to set up necessary reporting dashboards to allow for KPI visibility as data grows

  • CMS set-up

    Set up email, landing page, blog listing page, and blog templates

  • Lead scoring set up

    Identify and create score properties along with corresponding automation to segment based on firmographic and behavioral data.

  • Build lead capture assets

    Built any necessary forms, chatbots, pop-ups, and surveys

  • Build lead routing

    Automate new lead routing for sales rep members

  • Customized lead sources

    Use HubSpot's Original and Latest Source properties along with drill-down properties to create custom automation optimized for marketing reports.

  • Define buying role property & automation

    Adjust Buying Role property for target audience & build list segmentation with corresponding workflows to automate property population

  • Set-up a la carte

    Further needed structures for CRM setup & automation

Skills and tools

Marketing Strategist
Digital Marketing Specialist
Google Drive
Microsoft SharePoint



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