𝄞 Sonic Branding | Enterprise & Business Branding
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About this service
🏢 Do you do On-Site visits?
That can be arranged, but depending on location this may incur extra fees, as this takes up time that could be better spent on product delivery.
🔊 Can you do Sonic Audits remotely?
Yes, absolutely. All I need is access to your internal marketing material, be it through company user access, or links to where it is being actively used.
💸 What is the normal cost of Sonic Branding?
The industry average in sound marketing agencies is $30,000 but can be anything from $1,500 - $200,000 depending on the project scope. After an initial conversation, I will be able to give a decent estimate.
What's included
Sonic Audit | Internal
An audit of your existing marketing material and/or sound usage within the company.
Sonic Audit | External
An audit of industry competitors marketing material and/or sound logos.
Audio Logo
A high quality, custom audio logo synced to your animated visual logo to use in your brand marketing.
High quality sound design for mobile applications, menu items, web applications or other product touchpoints.
Marketing Media
Custom background music for your website marketing media or external ads, created within the sonic palette of the company if a sonic palette is already present.
Audio Restoration Of Existing Media
Restoration (or re-processing) of existing media to fix issues like voices and/or soundtrack issues.
Example projects
Skills and tools
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