Microservice App Development

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About this service


Zemin offered expertise in building microservice applications using Python and Flask, leveraging over 7000 hours of freelance experience.

What's included

  • Project Documentation

    The project documentation includes a comprehensive project plan outlining the scope, architecture, microservices breakdown, timeline, and risk management strategies; a requirements specification document detailing the functional and non-functional requirements of the microservices and the entire application; and an architecture diagram visually representing the system architecture and interactions between microservices and external systems.

  • Microservices Deliverables

    The microservices deliverables include the source code for each microservice hosted in a version-controlled repository with proper module and version management; the configuration and documentation of the API Gateway to handle requests and route them to the appropriate microservices; comprehensive API documentation covering endpoints, request/response formats, authentication methods, and error handling; and service contracts specifying the expected data formats, behavior, and communication protocols between microservices, such as RESTful APIs or message queues.

  • Front-End Deliverables

    The front-end deliverables include a complete web application interface fully integrated with microservices through API calls and hosted on a server or cloud infrastructure, a responsive and optimized design for various devices and screen sizes, and high-fidelity UI/UX prototypes and interactive mockups demonstrating key user flows and interfaces.

  • Database Deliverables

    The database deliverables include detailed schema designs and Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) for each microservice’s database, along with SQL or NoSQL scripts for setting up and initializing the databases, as well as migration and rollback scripts if needed.

  • Infrastructure and Deployment Deliverables

    The infrastructure and deployment deliverables include Infrastructure as Code (IaC) scripts for deploying infrastructure components such as server instances, databases, containers, and load balancers using tools like Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, or Kubernetes; Docker configurations for each microservice and container orchestration files for managing and scaling the app with Kubernetes or Docker Compose; and automated CI/CD pipeline configurations for seamless deployment and updates to the application.

  • Testing and Quality Assurance Deliverables

    The testing and quality assurance deliverables include detailed test reports covering various testing phases such as unit, integration, end-to-end, performance, and load testing for each microservice; a collection of automated test suites and frameworks for continuous testing of microservices and integration points; and performance and load testing reports measuring the system’s scalability and response times under different traffic patterns and loads.

  • Security and Monitoring Deliverables

    The security and monitoring deliverables include the implementation of security protocols such as OAuth or JWT, along with role-based access controls for authentication and authorization; integration with monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or the ELK stack to track the performance and health of microservices; and a security audit report summarizing the audits performed, including vulnerability scans and compliance checks.

  • Post-Development Deliverables

    The post-development deliverables include user documentation for navigating and utilizing key features of the web application; technical developer documentation covering architecture, key components, APIs, database, and deployment procedures; training sessions for key users or administrators on the app’s features and maintenance tasks; a support and maintenance plan outlining post-launch support, including bug fixes, updates, and service-level agreements (SLAs); and a final handover report summarizing project outcomes, delivered components, and recommendations for future updates.

Skills and tools

Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Software Engineer


Software Engineering

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