⚡️ Framer Website Design

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About this service


I'll help you bring your vision to life and create a captivating and beautiful website in Framer. Here's how we'll achieve that:

My Process:

1. Understanding Your Vision: We'll begin by discussing and understanding your goals, needs, and target audience of your website.

2. Designing The website: I'll design the landing page in Framer, and make sure it is fully responsive and optimized.

3. Iterations And Revisions: I'll present you with the initial design and hear you feedback. I'll make the necessary changes and make sure the website matches you vision.

4. Finalizing The Design: After finishing and refining the design, I'll hand you the Remix Link and help you launch the website.

My goal is to ensure your satisfaction, and help you create a website that we're both proud of. Let's get in touch!

What's included

  • Custom Framer website

    I'll design a visually stunning and fully responsive website in Framer, that reflect your personal brand and help you stand out in the digital space.

  • Fully Responsive Website.

    You will receive a fully responsive website in Framer. I'll make sure the website is optimized across all devices.

  • Beautiful Interactions & Animations.

    I'll enhance the experience of your website with sleek animations and smooth interactions.

  • CMS Integration.

    I'll connect the content of your website to a robust and easy to edit CMS. Whether it's a blog or personal projects or any other content.

  • Help With Setting Up The Website.

    I'll guide you through setting up your website's title and description, and how to add your personal custom domain.

  • Instructions & Ongoing Support.

    I'll provide clear instructions on how make changes and modifications to the website. I also offer a monthly maintenance package, where I help you keep the website up to date.

  • Figma File (Optional).

    I usually start the design in Framer, but If you want the website to be done in Figma first, I can provide you with Figma file for an extra fee.

Skills and tools

Web Designer
Product Designer
Framer Designer


Web Design
Web Development
Product Design

Work with me