Premium Blog/Article Writing for Optimized SEO

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About this service


I will write a captivating blog/article for your brand or website with key, high yielding SEO words to help rank higher organically in search engines.

I am a professional Content Writer in the finance industry and have experience writing in the following fields: finance, marketing & business, travel, fitness, women's health & wellness, and fashion. With a background in Marketing and my extensive knowledge I can provide a great, on-of-a-kind, easy to digest blog for your brand.

Price Packages:

300 words, $30

800 words, $70

1,000 words, $100

What you can expect from my service?

  • Unique and engaging content
  • 100% original writing
  • Collaborative and open communication
  • No grammatical or spelling errors
  • A personable compelling tone of voice
  • If needed, I use citations within the article (quotes, news sources, etc.)

Please feel free to contact me through message any time.


3 days

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