App Evaluation Consulting Call

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About this service


This offering is for tech newbies who want to learn what the software development process looks like and what they can expect in terms of options, timing, and cost. I'll be a resource for you to ask any question you have about developing software. I'll help you decide the best approach for your app idea whether that's a no-code build or using an app-builder or existing platform or building fully custom.

What's included

  • Consulting Call

    A 1.5 hr video call to: 1. Answer any and all questions you have about: - your app idea - software development in general - cost and timeline expectations 2. Prepare you for successfully evaluating an approach to building your business' software platform

  • Call Follow-up

    - Important notes from our discussion - Suggested next steps for your software development journey



Emily Keeler

Freelancer • Mar 19, 2024

Working with Kellen was wonderful! He is a great communicator, gives helpful feedback, and brings a lot of good energy to the project!

Kellen did a fantastic job! He took my barely thought-out idea, put it in his own words, made some recommendations and went for it. Excellent outcome! Strongly recommended!

Slavi at Random Trivia Generator hired Kellen and recommends working with them

Client • Sep 5, 2024

Slavi at Random Trivia Generator hired Kellen and recommends working with them

Client • Aug 21, 2024

Patrick Philbin

Client • Apr 24, 2023

Kellen is an absolute treat to work with. He's been enormously helpful in thinking through a business concept to a functioning, scalable application.

Kellen truly elevated the professionalism of Feedback Sync. He helped implement best practices, was extremely thoughtful in the architecture of the platform and was a true team player. I couldn't recommend Kellen highly enough.

Client • May 30, 2023

Patrick recommends working with Kellen

Client • May 11, 2023

Contra Hiring • Zwift

Client • Jan 13, 2023

Kellen helped build landing pages for Contra and has been a pleasure to work with. His attention to detail, responsiveness, and high quality of work made him an excellent fit for the project.

Skills and tools

Software Architect
Software Engineer


Software Engineering

Work with me