Interdisciplinary Designer - Graphic Design 🪄

Munday & Co, Advocates and Solicitors | Logo Design
Munday & Co, Advocates and Solicitors | Logo Design

“Munday & Company, Advocates and Solicitors” is a Law Firm based in Delhi, India. I was hired to make the logo for the law firm.

Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Uttar Pradesh Tourism | Logo Design
Uttar Pradesh Tourism | Logo Design

Designed the logo for the Ministry of Tourism, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Adobe Fresco
Adobe Illustrator

Mecca’23 | Logo Design
Mecca’23 | Logo Design

I designed the logo for Mecca'23

Graphic Designer
Logo Designer
Adobe Fresco
Adobe Illustrator

Once Upon a Fairytale Frank | Character Design & Illustration
Once Upon a Fairytale Frank | Character Design & Illustration

For this campaign, I made the skin titled “Tribal Frank”

Game Designer
Graphic Designer
Digital illustrator
Adobe Fresco
Adobe Photoshop