Delivering Value through Targeted Content

Technical Writing & Guides For A Tech Blog
Technical Writing & Guides For A Tech Blog

Writing SEO-driven blogs and creating the content strategy revolving around the Tech/ Gaming niche.

Technical Writer
SEO Content Manager

Tech Writing & Product Reviews For An Audio Blog
Tech Writing & Product Reviews For An Audio Blog

Writing high-quality posts and making the articles helpful for the readers, which eventually ranked my work even above giant publications like MUO.

Product Researcher
Content Editor
Content Writer

Writing Blogs On Celebrity Net Worth & Case Studies.
Writing Blogs On Celebrity Net Worth & Case Studies.

Wrote 30+ well-researched articles on trending topics and ranked number one on Google Search Results multiple times.

Financial Analyst
Content Editor
Content Writer

Tech Writing For A Niche Website On MacBook
Tech Writing For A Niche Website On MacBook

Spearheaded the creation of in-depth tutorials and guides, ensuring they were both user-friendly and technically accurate.

Product Researcher
Content Editor
Technical Writer

Product Reviews & Blog Writing For A Fintech Blog
Product Reviews & Blog Writing For A Fintech Blog

Written 50+ articles for the website, with over 30,000 monthly viewers coming directly through my blogs.

Financial Analyst
Product Researcher
Content Writer

Writer & Editor For A Growing Tech Blog
Writer & Editor For A Growing Tech Blog

Led a team of 6 writers and published over 200 articles in a span of 4 months, boosting our traffic by 25%.

AI Fact Checker
Content Editor
Google Docs