Web Designer | UI/UX | Webflow Developer

Growth Spark - Landing Page for Marketing Agency
Growth Spark - Landing Page for Marketing Agency

Created a Landing Page for a Marketing Agency. UX/UI Design + Webflow Development.

UX Designer
Webflow Developer
UI Designer
Adobe After Effects

Website for: Lighthouse Retouch - Expert photo editing services
Website for: Lighthouse Retouch - Expert photo editing services

Post my revamp, LightHouse Retouch saw a client upsurge, revenue boost, and expanded client database, thanks to improved design, SEO, and engaging copy.

UX Designer
Webflow Developer
UI Designer
Adobe Photoshop

Design for Miami Realtor
Design for Miami Realtor

Designed and developed a luxury website for a Miami Premium Realtor. Prioritized simplicity with upscale aesthetics, curated content, and Webflow development

Web Designer
Webflow Developer
SEO Writer
Adobe Photoshop

Webdesign and Web Dev for: ProBuild
Webdesign and Web Dev for: ProBuild

Unveiling Probuild's site, a blend of Figma design, AI visuals, Webflow development, crafted copy, & SEO excellence

Web Designer
Webflow Developer
SEO Writer
Adobe Photoshop