A curated list of awesome Next.js-based libraries that help build small and large-scale applications with Next.js.
Blogify is an open-source nextjs blog template built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.
Nextify is a pre built template for building documentation sites using Next.js and Fumadocs.
The section blog theme is an open-source theme using nextra, tailwind CSS, and next.js.
The Nerd Fonts installer is a bash-based script that installs the Nerd front in Debian and Debian-based Linux distros, such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.
Tauri is a new Rust-based framework that builds an x86_64 cross-platform application for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Managing your repository is one of the most important tasks for every open-source, individual, or proprietary software project.
Lume is a new static site generator based on Deno. Deno is a JavaScript-based run-time environment that supports TypeScript.
Step-by-Step Guide on Adding Social Media Images such as Open Graph images and Twitter images in Next.js.
Best Shadcn UI Alternatives Library for Your Next Project.