SafetyIQ helps harness the power of information to take action to reduce risk, gain visibility, and empower safer driving performance
Developed their portal from scratch using Python's Django Framework, HTML, CSS JavaScript and jQuery
Developed their application portal using Python Django, jQuery. Created asynchronous jobs using Celery. Managed a team of developers. Provided training and did
Developed CI/CD using AWS Codepipeline, Codebuild and Elastic Container Service. Enhanced local development setup using docker compose. Fixed bugs on the fronte
Helped collect requirements for an online healthcare solution. Converted business requirements to wire frames. Created APIs using django rest framework. Create
Developed back-end for the mobile app. Collected data from stock APIs. Created REST APIs for the mobile app to utilize.
Collected data(0.5 million records) for US cancer patients. Parsed the data and applied algorithms to give weight-age to each of the patents. Developed the port