Financial Advisor & Business Consultant

Fruti Fruit.pdf
Fruti Fruit.pdf

Business Plan to setup fruit processing facility and sell across America and Europe

Graphic Designer
Financial Advisor
Business Consultant
Microsoft Word

Investor Deck for an Early Stage Company
Investor Deck for an Early Stage Company

Investor deck outlining the vision, mission, market opportunity, product roadmap, team, and financial plan. Helped secure seed funding from angel investors.

Financial Advisor
Wealth Management Advisor
Business Consultant
Adobe After Effects
Google Drive
Microsoft Word

Financial Models (Startup and Expansion).pdf
Financial Models (Startup and Expansion).pdf

Financial Modeling helps businesses and investors to understand monetization and track progress. Also, it helps in pivoting or adding VAS when needed.

Financial Advisor
Wealth Management Advisor
Business Consultant
Adobe After Effects
Google Drive