A horror story driven by narrative, centered on a group of young people who unwittingly consume a substance that grants them immense power but at a cost.
Various Album Covers for various clients.
A commission by NeonMob to create 100 portraits of the 100 most popular NFL Players today.
GIANT Bicycles in Taiwan has commissioned me to create 6 bicycles based on their employees' stories about bicycles. I used art to design their stories.
Various artworks exhibited in gallery exhibitions, or selected by clients to be featured as book covers, and album covers.
Bicycle designed with this concept in mind: GIANT Bicycle Group high-ranking official wanted me to design a bike that he and his cat can use while at night.
In Taichung, Taiwan I was selected by the International School: Kornell Ritz to design a castle for the school gate, which created a better vibe for the campus.
These digital works were printed and shown on exhibitions in Taiwan and Korea.
A series of digital paintings created as video content for Youtuber Suicide Sheep.