Passionate brand and graphic designer

BAP Solutions - Brand design
BAP Solutions - Brand design

Elevated BAP Solutions with a web-centric logo, embodying innovation and digital prowess. Redefining online presence. 💻✨

Brand Designer
Logo Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Michela Capelli - Logo Design
Michela Capelli - Logo Design

Captured Michela Capelli's essence through a logo fusion of photography and design. A visual narrative in every frame. 📷✨

Logo Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Super Hop - Brand identity
Super Hop - Brand identity

Empowered a superhero brewery: crafted logo, brand, packaging, and landing page. Cheers to a dynamic brand experience! 🦸‍♂️🍻

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere Pro