I created a game information web application using React.js and Chakra UI. Search for games, filter based on different properties. Used Industry standards.
Created a backend service for Cinéma, movie hub. Fully integrated API, with authentication, authorization. Developed using Node.js & Express.js with MongoDB.
Created a real-time chat application using react as frontend with Chakra UI, and flutter as the backend. Users can send texts and images.
A movie library web-app built using react. Information provider only.
ChatNova is a real-time chat application developed using flutter and firebase. - GitHub - mathiaswakgari/chat_application: ChatNova is a real-time chat applica…
Basic Banking system using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. - GitHub - mathiaswakgari/Online-Banking-Page: Basic Banking system using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and…
A mobile application developed using flutter to showcase a beautiful UI layout. A simple, minimalistic mobile app that retrieves data from JSON file.