Marko Javorski

Music producer

Profile In Progress

Marko is building their profile – stay tuned!

Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia

3 reviews

My band and I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Marko. We genuinely couldn’t be more impressed with his versatility, ideas and experience. Marko is an extremely talented and approachable person who always surprises us with new details that upgrade our sound. His technical skills and knowledge of sound production are astounding and he successfully brings his spark to our songs. I highly recommend Marko to any artist who is looking for a skilled, charismatic and authentic producer!


ClientFeb 2, 2025

Marko je izuzetno talentiran mladi gitarist koji osim što svira razne vrste gitara je i izvrstan producent. Marka sam angažirao za nekoliko svojih projekata. Zajedno smo radili na nekoliko autorskih pjesama i obradama pjesama na kojima je Marko svirao gitaru. Angažirao sam ga i na nekoliko božićnih predstava, animacija i sviranja na misama. Marko je osoba koja ima izuzetne slušne sposobnosti s njim se lako dogovoriti, spreman je pomoći i uskočiti u svaki projekt. Sve preporuke za Marka!


ClientJan 31, 2025

Marko has on multiple occasions shown an intuitive grasp of how to elevate our musical numbers. He is great at suggesting riffs, harmonies, and instruments drawing from electronica, rock, pop, etc... During production, he is approachable and we always quickly brainstormed elegant ideas for fixing melodic and lyrical passages on the fly. The result was always hit-level quality in production.


ClientJan 31, 2025