2-way voice conversation with AI on Telegram. Part of my AI exploration, I created an AI girlfriend on Telegram (B2C SaaS product)
Chat with 1500 pages of Karl Marx' Capital (vol. 1, 2 and 3). OpenSource project as AI tech exploration: web chatbot, embeddings and vector databases.
AI WhatsApp bot as a B2C SaaS - implemented several AI technologies (text, audio, image). User management, payments (Stripe & Cryptomus), referral system.
An Instagram bot that posts an AI generated picture, inspired by the 10 most popular worldwide news from the previous day. Made with OpenAI Dall·e & GPT-3.5
Created a SAAS in two weeks: a WhatsApp bot that converts audio notes to text, and summarise them (using OpenAI Whisper & GPT). Free + paid plans (w/ Stripe)
Small group trainings webApp, available on AppStore and PlayStore (w/ RoR), features reservations, notifications, payment, and messaging. Developed from A to Z