Modern Websites & Apps: Creative Dev + Branding 💻📱✨

Alpha Encoded Custom Web Development | React
Alpha Encoded Custom Web Development | React

Designed and built our website from scratch on React, Node and Express. We used tools like Blender and React-three-fiber with Three.js to craft custom 3D models

Web Designer
Software Engineer
Web Developer

PLEY Custom Mobile App Development | React Native
PLEY Custom Mobile App Development | React Native

Developed mobile app for beauty industry professionals, providing complete strategy, UI/UX design, and custom development using MERNN stack + more.

Mobile Engineer
Software Engineer
UI Designer
React Native

Modernizing Website & Branding for Discipline
Modernizing Website & Branding for Discipline

Revamped WordPress website: Transitioned to Framer to enhance user experience and improve visual appeal, complete with a full brand guide.

Web Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Guardian Home Inspection | Framer Website & Logo Creation
Guardian Home Inspection | Framer Website & Logo Creation

Established a strong brand identity and built a user-friendly Framer website for a Seattle-based home inspection business.

Web Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

House of Hebe | Custom Web Development w/ Shopify
House of Hebe | Custom Web Development w/ Shopify

Designed a stylish website and e-commerce store for a popular Bellevue salon using Shopify, incorporating custom coding solutions to meet unique client needs.

Web Designer
Web Developer
Shopify Developer

Kloud Kreations "Just A Logo" Mini Brand Guide
Kloud Kreations "Just A Logo" Mini Brand Guide

Created logos and mini brand guide for Kloud Kreations, a custom printing business.

Brand Designer
Logo Designer

Discipline "Visual Identity" Full Brand Guide
Discipline "Visual Identity" Full Brand Guide

Created a full brand and styling guide for Discipline, a digital marketing agency.

Brand Designer
Logo Designer