Simple Animation Project
Goofy, Gaffy, and Sun discuss the mysteries of the universe.
Audio Editor
2D Animator
Adobe After Effects
Bulbasaur Painting
I made a fanart of Ky's Bulbasaur toy photograph using oil paint brushes in Photoshop.
Adobe Photoshop
Zin Never Dies RPG Concept Art
I was one of the lead concept artists for Zin Never Dies, a tabletop RPG by Nemo Dowme
Adobe Photoshop
Echo Mobile App
(Project Manager, UI/UX Designer) Echo is a mobile app that enables its users to view and create short structured announcements in their groups.
Visual Studio Code
Ossia - UI/UX Design Project
(Project Manager, UI/UX Designer) Ossia is an HCI-focused design project that aims to innovate on learning management systems.
Ninjask and Shedinja
I painted a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon concept of u/Krytonator
Adobe Photoshop
Alluux Collaboration Project
I was commissioned by Alluux, a content creator for Pokemon, to design stickers for her Patreon Supporters.
Adobe Photoshop