I redesigned NHA's Parent Portal app, saving thousands of hours and dollars and doubling the user base from 13,000 to 26,000 users.
I redesigned NHA's Parent Portal Forms feature to save significant costs and substantially improve the ease of use.
As part of a redesign of Ministry Pass, I redesigned the resource detail page.
I redesigned the block editor settings for greater user control and freedom while streamlining the look and feel.
Using a content inventory, I reorganized the entire library of 1,000's of resources into more meaningful categories.
I redesigned our sign up and log in flows to be more streamlined, user-friendly, and clean.
I designed a sermon calendar generator that used AI to connect to 12 months of content from our resource library.
I designed a feature that allowed users to create and manage subfolders, which included this select folder modal.
I designed a calendar view of the Microsoft To Do web app.
I designed a sidebar to give users a better way to make sense and navigate their libraries of notes.
I designed an easy way for Knowt users to study multiple sets of study notes at once.