Data Analyst | Nice story now show me the data
Provide insights to the Marketing Team in the Foods & Beverage
Provide insights to the Marketing Team in the Foods & Beverage

Tools: Power BI, Excel, Google Sheets Results: Marketing campaign's insights and recommendations for the next campaign

Data Modelling Analyst
Business Analyst
Data Analyst
Google Sheets
Power BI

An Analysis on fresher IT's average expenses
An Analysis on fresher IT's average expenses

Tools used: - Power BI - Excel Worksheet - Notion To analyze the trends of expenditures.

Data Modelling Analyst
Data Visualizer
Data Analyst

Analyze obviEnce through the Great Recession 2008
Analyze obviEnce through the Great Recession 2008

- Queries based on a pivot table and made charts to visualize data with custom formatting - Generated insights about revenue and market share rate

Business Analyst
Data Analyst
Power BI