Freelance copywriter focused on social impact.

Does Milk Cause Acne? (Spec)

Spec article on whether or not milk consumption causes acne

Microsoft Word

Apotheco Pharmacy Group on Instagram: “Happy #wellnesswednesday…
Apotheco Pharmacy Group on Instagram: “Happy #wellnesswednesday…

@apothecopharmacygroup posted on their Instagram profile: “Happy #wellnesswednesday! What are you doing for yourself today to make you better inside and out?…”

SEO Writer
Social Media Manager
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Word

Color Contrast: Why Being Compliant is Great for your Brand

Article written for Accessibe on why being ADA compliant is important.

SEO Writer
Microsoft Word

What Can You Do For Hyperhidrosis? | Apotheco Pharmacy

Don’t know how to treat hyperhidrosis? Our health experts can help. Read on to find out now.

SEO Writer
Microsoft Word