Words & Images: Your Business' Voice

2022 Spring Newsletter for Centerpoint
2022 Spring Newsletter for Centerpoint

Edited some parts of their layout and made some revisions to their newsletter

Graphic Designer

2022 Spring Newsletter for East York Town Centre
2022 Spring Newsletter for East York Town Centre

Edited parts of their layout and made some revisions to their newsletter

Graphic Designer

2023 Spring Newsletter for East York Town Center
2023 Spring Newsletter for East York Town Center

Created the layout and edited the contents of their newsletter

Graphic Designer

2023 Spring Newsletter for Centerpoint Mall
2023 Spring Newsletter for Centerpoint Mall

Created the layout and edited the contents of their newsletter

Graphic Designer

ISCS Awards PowerPoint

Made revisions to their PowerPoint

Graphic Designer
Virtual Assistant
Microsoft PowerPoint

ISC Zero Waste Infographics

Edited their infographics to make it HD

Graphic Designer
Infographic Designer