Frontend Web Developer

Cryptotrack | React TS | API Integration
Cryptotrack | React TS | API Integration

CryptoTrack is a landing page designed to provide users with real-time cryptocurrency data, the latest news, security tips, and live charts. Built using the Coi

Frontend Engineer

Academia Connect
Academia Connect

Academia Connect serves as an introduction to an innovative educational platform designed to revolutionize learning experiences.

Frontend Engineer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS

Youtube Showcase
Youtube Showcase

This is a project to showcase a Youtube Playlist. The project aims to highlight video content using Google's Youtube API v3. Created using Vue.js with TypeScrip

Frontend Engineer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS

Personal Portfolio Website - Responsive Design
Personal Portfolio Website - Responsive Design

Personal portfolio website to showcase skills and project in web development. The website serves as a professional online presence to attract potential clients.

Web Designer
Frontend Engineer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS