Discord Moderator & Community Manager

Discord Moderation: Keeping the server healthy and lively
Discord Moderation: Keeping the server healthy and lively

Successfully moderated several Discord servers with high numbers of users, maintaining order and promoting healthy discussions among community members.

Customer Support Representative
Communications Specialist
Community Manager

Community Management: Increasing Engagement by 50%

Managed online community of over 10,000 members, increasing engagement through regular communication and personalized interactions.

Communications Specialist
Customer Support Representative
Community Manager

Stumble Upon Rumble
Stumble Upon Rumble

A Discord Server I moderated - Stumble upon Rumble is an NFT P2E game under ETH chain

Communications Specialist


I worked here as an Event Manager/Discord Mod its a NFT, P2E, snake-like game.

Customer Support Representative
Communications Specialist
Google Drive
Google Sheets