Welcome series email for a mindful nutrition company. Describes the story behind their Greens+ powder and its benefits, ingredients, and flavors.
Newsletter for a holistic hormone and menstrual coach about how to make the most of the inner-winter, or menstrual, phase of your cycle.
Newsletter for a holistic health coach discussing the benefits of journaling, how to get started, and a daily journaling template.
The Season of New Beginnings: 5 Nature-Inspired Tips for Clearing Out Clutter and Nourishing Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Soul
Nature-Inspired Organizing: How to Welcome Nature Into Your Home Using the Natural Elements of Feng Shui
The Real Cost of Undereating: Why Undereating is the Enemy of Strength, Performance, and Muscle Growth
Take a Walk: How Incorporating Mindful Movement Into Your Workday Can Increase Productivity, Motivation, and Focus
The Power of Namaste: Exploring the Origins and Significance of Namaste in Yoga and Beyond