Industrial Designer | Product Visualization | 3D Modelling

Joystick controller - 3D / Render
Joystick controller - 3D / Render

3D model of a retro Logitech controller modelled from photo references. Made in Blender Cycles using shader and compositor nodes.

3D Designer
Render Artist
Industrial Designer
Adobe Photoshop

AURA | perfume sample bottle - 3D & render :: Behance
AURA | perfume sample bottle - 3D & render :: Behance

The goal was to design a small glass bottle with minimum detail, specially in the pressure cap. The branding of AURA needed to be visible, but subtle.

Render Artist
Industrial Designer
3D Modeler
Adobe Photoshop

"Liso" beer glass - 3D model and render
"Liso" beer glass - 3D model and render

A 3D model of a frosty glass of beer called "liso" in santafesinian culture. Modeled, render and animated in Blender Cycles.

3D Designer
Render Artist
3D Modeler

Wooden Chair - 3D model / Render
Wooden Chair - 3D model / Render

3D model made from photo reference, taking special attention to the topology of the mesh and the mapping of the material.

3D Designer
Render Artist
Industrial Designer

Industrial robotic arm - 3D / Render
Industrial robotic arm - 3D / Render

A study on hard surface modelling/rendering with metallic and rubber textures. Product design using Blender and Photoshop.

3D Designer
Render Artist
Industrial Designer
Adobe Photoshop