Rasul Adasov

Motion design and post-production

Rising talent

Rasul is ready to kick off new projects!


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Meet Rasul

5.00 (3)

Quick responderReplies to messages within 24 hours.
Identity verifiedVetted for secure and trusted collaboration.

This is where motion designs and polished videos come to life. I help social media creators reach their goals faster and support them in their journey. In my free time, I enjoy working out and spending time in nature. 🌳


$50 - $75/hr

Skills and tools
Video Editor
Motion Designer
Video Producer
Video Post-Production
Content Creator
Social Media Strategist
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Photoshop
Final Cut Pro
Logic Pro


(GMT+1) Central European Time (CET), ± 5 hours

Fluent in German • Professional Working Proficiency in English