Fullstack Web Developer

E-Commerce | MultiPurpose Online Shop
E-Commerce | MultiPurpose Online Shop

A powerful, scalable e-commerce platform with multi-vendor support, secure checkout, and seamless shopping experience for any business type. 🚀

Fullstack Engineer
Visual Studio Code

Mobile App | peternak.id
Mobile App | peternak.id

A user-friendly mobile app for Peternak.id, providing real-time updates and seamless access to essential livestock industry information and services. 🚀

Android Developer
Android Studio
Visual Studio Code

Company Profile | Peternak.id
Company Profile | Peternak.id

Developed a responsive, SEO-optimized website for Peternak.id with fast performance and an easy-to-manage dashboard to enhance its digital presence. 🚀

Fullstack Engineer
Visual Studio Code