Simplifying technical concepts through creative writing

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started in Tech
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started in Tech

Do you want to start a career in tech but aren’t sure how or when to begin? Then believe me when I say that this post is written specifically for you. Continue…

Technical Writer
Google Docs

A Beginner’s Guide to Pushing Codes from VS Code to GitHub usin…
A Beginner’s Guide to Pushing Codes from VS Code to GitHub usin…

Have you tried pushing your codes directly from VS Code to GitHub using Git, or are you used to uploading your projects on GitHub without using the Git command…

Frontend Engineer
Technical Writer
Google Docs
Visual Studio Code

Getting Started with JMeter Load Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide
Getting Started with JMeter Load Testing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Load testing is the ultimate stress test for your application. It’s like putting your website or software through a grueling boot camp, pushing it to its limit…

QA Tester
Technical Writer