i will do web developer,data science,pytho project

Synthetic Financial Datasets For Fraud Detection
Synthetic Financial Datasets For Fraud Detection

Synthetic datasets generated by the PaySim mobile money simulator

Data Scientist
Data Scraper
Data Analyst


Пример современного информационного сайта школы английского языка для детей - GitHub - IvanZaycev0717/english_school_website: Пример современного информационно…

Framer Designer


This program goes thru reddit, finds the most mentioned tickers and uses Vader SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to calculate the ticker compound value. - GitHub - …

Data Scientist

Google Colaboratory

The 1st thing is one page is tittle and 4 to 5 page include results images 4 to 5 page contain table of contents so actual is 8 pages I tell about the random.

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Web Developer