Audio Wizard, Sound Designer, Podcast Editor
Romantik Hırsız | Resmi Fragman | Netflix - YouTube
Romantik Hırsız | Resmi Fragman | Netflix - YouTube

Bitmeyen bir kovalamaca, geçmişle hesaplaşma. #RomantikHırsız 14 Mart’ta sadece Netflix’te.Netflix'te izleyin: ...

Music Producer
Pro Tools

Aleksandr's Price Remastered - Official Trailer 2023 - YouTube
Aleksandr's Price Remastered - Official Trailer 2023 - YouTube

Aleksandr's Price is being re released with some new scenes, new sound, music and color!

Audio Engineer
Sound Designer
Pro Tools

578 MAGNUM Trailer w/ English Subtitles - YouTube
578 MAGNUM Trailer w/ English Subtitles - YouTube

“A father who is ready to hunt the whole criminal underworld down for his daughter”Vietnamese action flick, 578: Phát đạn của kẻ điên, directed by

Audio Engineer
Sound Designer
Pro Tools