Fashion photographer design multidisciplinary

Vacant Mag @vacantmag
Vacant Mag @vacantmag

Exploring fashion and culture through motion, design & photography. Based in Mexico City, founded in 2016 - 2021

Brand Designer
Video Producer

elevatedlui - youtube PHASE 1
elevatedlui - youtube PHASE 1

documentación de mi vida y trabajo professional en moda y industrias creativas by Lui Val

Content Editor
Video Editor
Video Producer
Adobe Photoshop
Final Cut Pro

otmh studios
otmh studios

otmh studios - vertical reel 2020 - OTMH was a independent creative video production company founded by Lui Val and Diego Von. Closed in 2020 due tu COVID-19

Creative Director
Video Producer
Project Manager
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop