Ebad Ahmed

Content Specialist | Brands growth through Impactful Content

Rising talent

Ebad is ready to kick off new projects!


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Meet Ebad

Quick responderReplies to messages within 24 hours.
Identity verifiedVetted for secure and trusted collaboration.

Since I am collaborating with various companies, organizations and regular clients, I gained strong skillset and expertise in content strategies and visuals while professionally working with real video projects. constantly trying new and trending stuff that needs to get a remarkable result. Insightful Visuals, Capturing Emotions, Elevating Brands. As I always say "Think Where Creativity Starts".


$50 - $75/hr

Skills and tools
Video Editor
Visual Artist
Sound Effect Specialist
Motion Designer
Audio Editor
Content Creator
Content Editor
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Final Cut Pro
Wondershare Filmora
DaVinci Resolve
Adobe Photoshop


(GMT-12) International Date Line West (IDLW), ± 1 hour

Professional Working Proficiency in English